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Touchworld Protocol – OMAD/1MAD diet or TMAD/2MAD diet is the only CURE for remission, reversal of all chronic diseases – including Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity, PCOD, PCOS, Hypertension, Hyperthyroidism, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Bi-Polar disorder and many more

The CURE - Touchworld Protocol – OMAD/1MAD diet or TMAD/2MAD diet is the only solution. The Reason for all the diseases, physical and mental is EXCESS INSULIN



The following content is for all human beings, all the people, including common people like you and me, doctors, pharmacists, medical research professionals, pharma industry people, etc.


(SET OF DISEASES) Whoever is suffering from OR does not want to suffer from, any kind of chronic diseases like, both Physical and Mental – including Type 2 diabetes (NOT Type 1 Diabetes) PHARMA DIABETES, Obesity, Overweight, PCOD, PCOS, Hypertension/high blood pressure, Macroangiopathy/ Microangiopathy (Atherosclerosis), Erectile Dysfunction, Cerebral Vascular Disease, Chronic Depression, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Bi-Polar disorder, Schizophrenia, Peyronie’s Disease, Nephropathy, Migraine, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Tinnitus, Hyper/Hypothyroidism, Coronary microvascular Dysfunction, Vertigo, Coronary Artery Disease, Retinopathy, Idiopathic Dizziness, Metabolic Syndrome, Other Neurotology Diseases, Heart attack, Stroke, Hearing loss and many more….the list looks unending...

The reason for any / all of the above is TRUE DIABETES. They are the symptoms of the underlying cause of TRUE DIABETES.

If you have any of the above SET OF DISEASES, you are A TRUE DIABETIC.

If you know this, then cure is very simple!


There are only two kinds of diabetes.

    PHARMA here means, it is a figurative word, all of the following put together - pharma industry and its lobbyists, health insurance industry, the medical associations, doctors, pharmacists, surgeons, medical professors, medical research institutes and professionals, pathologists, governments etc. and the current incorrect definition of Diabetes Mellitus.
  2. The TRUE DIABETES. The actual Diabetes. The Original Diabetes. Diabetes In-Situ.

So, let’s first understand what Pharma Diabetes is?



Understand this, as per the medical / pharma world, you have PHARMA DIABETES (Or Impaired Glucose Tolerance or Pre Diabetic) if:

Sounds familiar? Any of the above is true for you, then you are put to medication to CONTROL your plasma glucose levels. Why never medication is given to CURE your PHARMA DIABETES?

Please read on..

What is the cure for PHARMA DIABETES given by Pharma? ……………………….. NONE.

There is no cure for PHARMA DIABETES! Medication is only to control your blood glucose levels & get you further diseases like, retinopathy, gangrene, hypertension, renal failure, cardiac ailments, etc., the list goes on

The PHARMA medication is not a cure at all. Why?...

The PHARMA DIABETES medication is not a cure at all. Why?...

Unfortunately, this PHARMA DIABETES shows up / manifests only after 7 to 12 years of being a TRUE DIABETIC, So are the other SET OF DISEASES

SURPRISED? SHOCKED? Don’t worry, there is CURE.

Now let’s move on to what is TRUE DIABETES and how to cure?



You need to take a test to know what it is or if you have it? OR if you have any of the earlier mentioned ailments / SET OF DISEASES, then you are a TRUE DIABETIC, check out your insulin test results then you will know and it will be proved beyond doubt





What is the cure for True Diabetes? Is there a cure for True Diabetes?

THE CURE – Touchworld Protocol:

It is very simple. The cure is EAT only once or twice a day. That is eat only one or two times a day.


The Touchworld Protocol is based on 4 Simple Rules

Simple Rule 1

One Meal A Day Diet (OMAD) or Two Meals a Day diet (TMAD), start with TMAD and you can move on to OMAD diet after a few months or a combination of both, for example, 3 days in a week you will do One Meal A Day (OMAD) diet and 4 days in a week you will do Two Meals A Day (TMAD) diet. Simple.

Simple Rule 2

Each meal should not last more than 50 minutes, that is, you can eat in the 50 minutes window as much as you want and whatever you want. Simple.

Simple Rule 3

The time difference/gap between your first meal (M1) and second meal (M2) should be a minimum of 6 hours. The gap between first meal (M1) and the second meal (M2) should not be more than 9 hours. Simple.

Simple Rule 4

Rest of the time, you can open your mouth to drink the following only, unlimited:

Simple Illustration:

a. First Meal (M1): That is, if you choose to eat your first meal at 1 PM, you can keep eating till 1.50 PM then STOP eating. If you eat only this meal for the day it is called One Meal A Day (OMAD) diet.

b. Second Meal (M2): Then your second meal, you can start having anytime after 7 PM but before 9 PM. You can start eating at 7 PM and STOP eating before 7.50 PM. If you eat this meal (M2) as well, you are doing Two Meals A Day (TMAD) diet.

c. For second meal (M2) It is recommended that 9 PM should be your last / latest start time for eating and STOP before 9.50 PM.

d. Your second meal (M2), you can start anytime after 7 PM but before 9 PM. You have only 50 minutes to complete your meal after you start.

e. The 50 minutes window of eating per meal allows you to have soups and starters, main course, desserts, fruits and beverages which can contain sugar and/or milk or a glass of wine.


FAT/OIL Paralyses insulin and interferes in its function

  1. Very Important, please note: FAT, EITHER animal fat from meat, dairy, poultry OR oils from vegetables, seeds and nuts, Paralyses insulin and interferes in its function. So reduce your fat/oil intake or follow zero oil diet if possible. Avoid oily/fatty food. There is nothing called a beneficial FAT or Oil. The Fat you eat is the fat you wear. Heart attack and Stroke patients are advised to follow Oil Free Food/Zero Oil Foods/Zero Oil Cooking. Many recipes are available on the internet.
  2. OIL here means, processed/extracted oil from nuts and seeds, including olive oil, canola oil, corn oil, rice bran oil, coconut oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, etc. Please note you can eat nuts and seeds and olives, whole foods, but not added OIL in your foods
  3. FAT means, any fat in/from animal foods like meat, eggs, chicken, fish, bacon, etc, milk and milk products like cheese, butter, yogurt, clarified butter/Ghee, Lard etc.
  4. Very severe or acute or chronic levels of the SET OF DISEASES mentioned can be cured and results will be quicker, by following a plant based Whole food diets - grains, legumes, fruits, nuts, seeds, rice, wheat, oats, yams, potatoes, barley, all vegetables, etc, with minimal or zero fat/oil..
  5. Finally, It does not matter what kind of foods you eat. It does not matter, if you are on whole plant-based diet, Vegan, Ketogenic, Atkins, Carnivore diet, Lacto vegetarian diet, Mediterranean diet, Intermittent fasting, fast mimicking diets, etc. Just follow OMAD or TMAD and every 3 to 4 months test/measure your INSULIN levels, to see/feel/experience the magic happen to your health and quality of your life itself.

FAT/OIL – More notes

Insulin receptors on the cells are blocked by FAT/OIL. Insulin has nowhere to go and floats in the blood. Excess insulin in the blood does a lot of harm to the entire vascular system, inflammation and hardening and peripheral resistance of the blood vessels happen over a period and in turn create many diseases wherever blood vessels reach, guess what, your entire body has blood vessels. Blood vessels are in retina of the eye, kidneys, brain etc., you get the idea, right? FAT/OIL creates a mess in the body.

FAT/OILS from Vegetables and animal food debilitate the blood flow. As a matter of fact, vegetable oils cause more harm, they cause severe and extended sludging of the blood, more than animal fats do.

Normally, in fasting state, red blood cells have a negative charge, they don’t stick together, they keep bouncing off each other, dancing happily in the blood, delivering nutrients and oxygen to the tissues of the body. The blood flows smoothly and freely in the blood vessels, smooth circulation.

When we eat FAT/OIL, it enters the blood stream. It sticks to the surface of the red blood cells (RBC), in turn, they all stick to each other and Clumps form. Clumps! The blood flow slows down as well with this. All this happens within an hour itself and continues for about 8 to 10 hours! In some of the tiny blood capillaries and vessels the blood flow completely stops. The more we eat FAT/OIL, the severe the impact.

Due to all this, more than 20% of oxygen content decreases in the RBC. It takes almost 10 hours for the fat to be separated from the RBC surfaces and for the clumps to fragment into individual RBCs and for the blood flow to return to normal to reach the tissues.

The speed of flow and the quality of blood, both get reduced due to FAT/OIL. The impact can be felt on a daily basis, the fatigue and the drowsiness that is experienced is a self-evident for all of us when we have a high FAT/OIL meal. The long term effects impact negatively every tissue/organ/blood vessel in the body!

Touchworld Protocol: FAQs

Touchworld Protocol is Frequency of Eating solution to cure most of the chronic diseases. You get TRUE DIABETES because of eating too many times, it doesn’t matter how much you eat!

1) What is frequency of eating solution?

2) When do you know you are cured of your underlying TRUE DIABETES?

3) Do you need to stop medications?

4) Should you eat for 50 minutes?

5) What if you do not get a chance to eat your second meal (M2) within 9 hours? Can you eat at 10th or 11th or 12th hour?

6) Which is the best option? OMAD/1MAD or TMAD/2MAD?

7) Will you get weak, less energetic, fatigued, hunger pangs on OMAD and TMAD diet?

8) Will you lose weight?

9) Are you becoming a type 1 diabetic after being a type 2 diabetic for some years or have you become one or becoming one?

How do you know? Your doctor after a period has put you on Insulin additionally along with other medications like Metformin, Sulfonylureas, Meglitinides, Thiazolidinediones, DPP-4 inhibitors, GLP-1 receptor agonists, SGLT2 inhibitors. That is, you are currently taking Insulin intramuscularly along with other type 2 diabetic medications to control your blood plasma glucose.

Do you really need to take Insulin injections?

10) You are healthy and do you need to get your Insulin Assay done? You don’t have any of the SET OF DISEASES or the symptoms.

11) You are not TRUE DIABETIC, but will you become one? Your insulin assay is fine now.

12) What is a MEAL as per Touchworld Protocol?

13) Can you do exercise for fitness or for training to compete in marathons, body building, or any sports?

14) Do you need to take medications if you are recently diagnosed as Pharma prediabetic/diabetic or Hypertensive or for any of the SET OF DISEASES?

15) Should you follow Touchworld Protocol for rest of your life?

16) Can you have alcohol?

17) Can you take nutritional supplements and vitamins?

18) Are you a type 1 diabetic?

19) Are you a type 1 diabetic, will you get any of the SET OF DISEASES as a TRUE DIABETIC Gets?

20) Which other tests should you get done apart from INSULIN ASSAY periodically?

Touchworld recommends you to monitor the following periodically, at least every 3 months to see your progress towards complete remission from any of the SET OF DISEASES. You will see continuous improvement.

21) What if you have any Autoimmune disorder or Cancer?

22) Can you start following Touchworld Protocol of OMAD/1MAD or TMAD/2MAD diet, without checking your INSULIN ASSAY?


Finally, request you to understand the following. And explain to your friends, family, people you care and matter to you in life. Help them. If they have any of the SET OF DISEASES mentioned, please get an Insulin Assay done and follow the protocol.


  1. The TRUE DIABETES. = The actual Diabetes = The Original Diabetes = Diabetes In-Situ = Occult diabetes = Hyperinsulinemia = Insulin Resistance = True Diabetes mellitus.
  2. True Diabetes can be measured, by Insulin Assay.

  3. The PHARMA DIABETES. = Current definition of Diabetes Mellitus based on your plasma glucose level = One of the many symptoms of TRUE DIABETES = One of the SET OF DISEASES = Pharma Diabetes mellitus = Current incorrect definition of Diabetes mellitus



Following SET OF DISEASES is the Pathology of TRUE DIABETES, Symptoms of TRUE DIABETES.


Hypertension/high blood pressure Macroangiopathy/ Microangiopathy (Atherosclerosis) Type 2 diabetes (NOT Type 1 Diabetes) PHARMA DIABETES
Erectile Dysfunction Cerebral Vascular Disease Peyronie’s Disease
Obesity Nephropathy Migraine
PCOD/PCOS Peripheral Vascular Disease Tinnitus
Hyper/Hypothyroidism Coronary microvascular Dysfunction, Vertigo
Coronary Artery Disease Retinopathy Idiopathic Dizziness
Dementia, Alzheimer’s Metabolic Syndrome Other Neurotology Diseases
Chronic Depression Alzheimer’s Bi-Polar disorder
Heart attack Stroke Hearing loss …. Many more


Author of this text: Sreekanth Kosuri

Email ID:


The insulin assay parameters are propounded by Dr Joseph R Kraft. Touchworld acknowledges it. Reader, please help me simplify this text so that common person, non-medical people can understand. Please give feedback, suggestions, ask questions and comment on content and any errors. The purpose of this help from you, is to simplify the content and in simple terms get across the message of TRUE DIABETES and Touchworld Protocol to the common people.

Thank you,

Sreekanth Kosuri

Touchworld is a tribute to:

Dr. Joseph R Kraft (MD, MS, FCAP)

The purpose of Touchworld is:

  1. To cure many diseases naturally (without medicines). Addressing the root cause of many diseases, that is excess Insulin in blood. By educating the people and helping them in following the Touchworld Protocol to cure TRUE DIABETES.
  2. To make all Governments on this earth to recognize and change the meaning, definition, diagnosis and treatment of Diabetes Mellitus and enact laws accordingly.
  3. To include Insulin Assay as a standard test in Health Insurance Industry, educate them about the Touchworld Protocol to help reduce claims!

Touchworld gives the right to copy the content as is and use it, for free. To everyone and anywhere.

You understand and acknowledge that all users of this website/Content are responsible for their own medical care, treatment, and oversight. All of the content provided on the website/in this document, including text, treatments, dosages, outcomes, charts, profiles, graphics, photographs, images, advice, messages, and forum postings, are for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The content is not intended to establish a standard of care to be followed by a user of the website/document. You understand and acknowledge that you should always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health. You also understand and acknowledge that you should never disregard or delay seeking medical advice relating to treatment or standard of care because of information contained in or transmitted through the website/this document. Medical information changes constantly. Therefore the information on this website/in this document or on the linked websites should not be considered current, complete or exhaustive, nor should you rely on such information to recommend a course of treatment for you or any other individual. Reliance on any information provided on this website/document or any linked websites is solely at your own risk. The Touchworld does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, products, procedures, opinions or other information that may be provided on the linked websites. The linked websites may contain text, graphics, images or information that you find offensive. Touchworld, its licensor and its suppliers have no control over and accept no responsibility for such materials

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